Lindsay L.
If you’re reading this, there are many people waiting to see you again and they want to help you.
If you’re reading this, you need to know that it’s okay not to know everything about your life.
If you’re reading this, your past is not a representation of who you are.
If you’re reading this, you’re not alone.
If you are reading this, things change.
If you’re reading this, there are many people waiting to see you again and they want to help you.
If you’re reading this, you are so loved and the world needs you here.
If you’re reading this, I hope you learn to embrace your disability as a part of you and I hope it enables you to change the world.
If you’re reading this, it’s okay to say no.
If you’re reading this, I want you to know that I am not just a number.
If you’re reading this, put the shadows to rest and let the light in.
If you’re reading this, you are not alone in this fight.
If you’re reading this, you are exactly where you’re meant to be.
If you’re reading this, the monsters won’t win.
If you’re reading this, you are not alone in searching to feel content.
If you’re reading this, it’s okay to say no.
If you’re reading this, you are loved and you are supported.
If you’re reading this, know that you don’t need to overwork yourself just because others look like they’re doing more.
If you’re reading this, you know what it is like to be overwhelmed.
If you’re reading this, you probably know pain.
If you’re reading this, your appearance is the least interesting thing about you.