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Get involved

  • IfYoureReadingThis offers the kind of hope, support, and understanding that only peers can provide. Our volunteers work every day to provide help and hope to thousands of students. Our fundraising and volunteers are entirely grassroots, and you have the power to keep our free, accessible mental health resource available to everyone.

    To become a fundraiser, simply put on an event or solicit donations. Then provide the funds raised to our donation page, Venmo @ifyourereadingthis, or Paypal

  • Let the people in your community know you care, that they have someone they can lean on, and that they are not alone. By publishing an IfYoureReadingThis letter, you can help build empathic connections and a healthier community.

    Visit our Submit page for Author Instructions and submission portal.

  • Our organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is run entirely by our grassroots volunteers. Visit your local chapter’s homepage to get in touch about joining the team, or contact us to volunteer virtually for the national organization.

  • Want to bring IfYoureReadingThis to your campus to build a more empathetic, supportive community? Contact us to begin the conversation, and check out Our Story to learn about previous chapter foundings.

  • Follow us on any of our social platforms (check us out on Instagram @ifyourereadingthisorg) and share our letters and mental health reminders, or share our educational content to increase mental health literacy.

  • Spread a message of support in your community - by wearing it. You never know who needs to hear the message you may be sporting. Shop our apparel store or our sticker store.

  • Check out our most recent letters or explore by feeling, condition, perspective, and more.

More ways to participate