Jarrett A.
Photography by Cassie English
If you’re reading this, you are not alone in this fight.
You are loved and people will see how wonderful you are. I know the world can be difficult sometimes, and it may seem like people pass by and make judgements before they get to know you. Sometimes people who do know you may not understand who you are deep down inside. There is a lot of ignorance in this world and not a lot of awareness and understanding. Some have gone to a far extent to make assumptions about you or belittle you in what you can or can’t do.
Have you ever been told “You are not normal like us”, “You can’t be with this person because you are autistic”, “Only autistics and special needs can only be with their own kind”, or “You have a disability”? Those assumptions and remarks people have made mean NOTHING! The people who have belittled you, upset you, brought you down, or just made you feel like you don’t belong anywhere with anyone do not know what you have to offer to them and to others. They are jealous of what an amazing person you are and all you have accomplished! No one should ever tell you who you can and cannot associate with. You don’t have to limit yourself to “your own kind” as ignorance has described. You can be with whoever you want! You and ONLY you can take control of your life and no one else can tell you otherwise.
When I was in high school, I used to be told who I needed to associate myself with and who I could and could not establish a relationship with, both romantically and in friendships. I was even identified as someone who belonged in the “special needs” group and was classified as someone with a disability. High school was a confusing time and everyone’s minds were young and ignorant. If someone ever made you feel like what I went through in high school, it’s okay to feel upset and hurt, but never let the demons win! You are smart, funny, charming, beautiful, fantastic, and intelligent. You have such a bright future ahead the world needs more people like you to make such a HUGE impact. Your character traits are what counts most, be your authentic self and you will be surrounded by those who want to get to know you and establish a wonderful relationship with you!
As someone who has been on the autism spectrum all my life and experienced a lot of ignorance and bias. I know what it is like to be told what you can and cannot do and who you need to associate with. Do your part like I have; never be afraid to be who you are–true to yourself–and never change your personality or your dreams and goals because you are brilliant. I believe you will have a huge impact on your friends, family, siblings, peers, professors, classmates, romantic partner, and most of all: the world. Be your authentic self now and always!
Jarrett A., Arizona State University
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