
Photography by Alyse Stauffer

If you’re reading this, I want you to know that I’m rooting for you.

Sometimes life can feel overwhelming. If you take a moment to look around, it may seem that everyone else has their lives put together when in fact, you find it difficult to get through life. The weight of the pressure can even be burdensome, coming from family, school, friends, self-created expectations, or others' expectations. But do remember this, struggles aren’t a flaw in you. You are fighting battles. You are present, you are alive, and that is all that matters.

There are indeed moments that I hadn't been able to cope with completely: such times when anxiety incapacitated me or sadness loomed over me like a heavy blanket that never lifted. There were days I literally didn’t want to leave the bed, days the dark days of hopelessness could not be seen past. It was in those days, the times I hated the most, that I ended up learning the greatest lessons about strength. I discovered that the process of recovery is not a straight line. It is chaotic and difficult, with progress and regression, joys and heartbreaks.

We are all reminded to be thankful during this time of year, particularly around Thanksgiving. But when thankfulness seems unattainable, what do you do? When your thoughts are so jumbled that you are unable to find anything for which you are grateful? You don't have to be grateful for everything, and that's a little secret. It's acceptable to not be thankful for the difficulties, suffering, or difficult days. The important thing is to realize that even in the smallest of moments, they are still valuable.

Perhaps it's a text message from a friend that brought a smile to your face, a quiet moment when you felt even a glimmer of peace, or the warmth of a cup of coffee on a cold day. Celebrate your success, even if it's just that you made it through today. Sometimes that's sufficient.

I want you to know that feeling lost, not knowing everything, or having mental health issues are all acceptable. It makes you human rather than broken. Even if they don't express it, everyone struggles. Keeping going, even if it's only one tiny step at a time, is more important than how quickly you advance.

Remember that your presence in this world matters, even if you feel like you don't belong. No one has it all together, no matter how it may appear. If you're feeling like what you’re doing is not enough, realize that perfection is a myth. Even though it may seem like no one can relate to you, know that you are not alone in your struggles.

I hope you will take a moment to relax this Thanksgiving. It's acceptable if you don't know everything. If you're not okay, that's okay too. If you need someone to listen, reach out to them—a friend, relative, counselor, or even a complete stranger. Saying "I'm struggling," being vulnerable, and allowing others to support you are all powerful. Life is not meant to be experienced alone.

If you’re reading this, I want you to know that I’m rooting for you. No matter how difficult this gets, I have faith that you can overcome it. You are so much more than your difficulties. Because of you, this world is a better place. Even when it seems impossible, keep going. You are loved and sufficient just the way you are.

Anonymous, New York University


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Melanie M.