IfYoureReadingThis.org is a mental health nonprofit that empowers students to build and tap into their support networks by amplifying the faces and voices of the people who want to connect. Our mission is to create community around mental health, encourage radical empathy, and use peer support to bridge gaps in mental health resources.

Community Involvement

  • The “If You’re Reading This” message is simple:

    Let the people in your community know you care, that they have someone they can lean on, and that they are not alone. Through these messages, we build peer support, empathic connections, and healthier communities.

    Be loud in your support of others and of mental health.

  • If you’re reading this, you are never alone.

    Sai R.

    Villanova University

  • If you’re reading this, life is so much better with you here.

    Arianne R.

    Syracuse University

  • If you’re reading this, you matter.

    Pamela B.

    Wake Forest University

  • If you’re reading this, you are loved more than you know.

    Addie D.

    Clemson University

  • If you’re reading this, it’s okay to ask for help.

    Devan D.

    Duke University

  • If you’re reading this, you’re allowed to struggle.

    Nina G.

    Northwestern University

  • If you’re reading this, know that you are enough.

    Dr. Shepler

    Georgia Tech

Make a donation

100% of proceeds will go towards maintaining our website domain and hosting services, or supporting our student-led teams.

Purchase a stickeR

Spread mental health awareness in your community by putting one of our stickers on your laptop, water bottle, and more.


  • Malcolm Stewart, Student

    “You all should be extremely proud of yourselves and the work that has been put into this. You're changing lives for the better and talking about the tough stuff, which UVA struggles to do far too often.” via email

  • Professor Rick Mayes

    “I greatly appreciate this website and wish it had existed when I was in college and graduate school. I share it with my UVA classes every semester. Thank you for curating it.” via email

  • Dr. Lillian Mezey, Psychiatrist

    “Lillian Mezey, the associate director of psychiatric services in UVA’s Counseling and Psychological Services office, said sharing stories is a very powerful way for people to take ownership of their narratives. In turn, when students get positive feedback and thanks for stepping outside their comfort zone by, for example, writing a piece on If You’re Reading This, it is very good for mental health because it feels good to help others.” via UVA Today

  • Kendall Palazzi, Student

    “[IfYoureReadingThis] makes me feel less alone, and has been a constant in my life that keeps me grounded.” via Instagram

  • Gabrielle Pack, Student

    “This organization is so impactful and meaningful. Reading through others stories has been so helpful to me with what I have struggled with myself.” via email

  • Sara Zahir, Student

    “You guys really give an incredible service to the university and truly make our community brighter.” via email

  • Alex Gogo, Student

    “Your organization's commitment to fostering a sense of belonging and support for individuals from all walks of life resonates with me profoundly.” via email

  • Morgan Dailey, Student

    “Today and everyday I am thankful for the people and community that Clemson has graciously given me. They are encouraging, consistent, and have always felt like home to me. My friends have been by my side through many ups and downs of college.

    I am also thankful for a platform that supports the same message. That each individual is loved, seen, and supported, amidst any obstacle life may bring and is worth immeasurably more that you could ever imagine.” via email

  • Holland Mowry, Student

    “I stumbled upon IfYoureReadingThis.org earlier today, read some of the letters, clicked off the website, and carried on with my day. However, as my day progressed, I found that the testimonies, messages and purposes behind this organization struck something within me.” via email

  • Megan Ellis, Student

    “Your page was recently brought to my attention, and I think it is such an awesome source of support for those struggling with mental illness.” via email

Get Involved


One of the best ways to contribute to our mission is to author your own letter. Share your story, thoughts, or support with your community today.


Each IfYoureReadingThis.org chapter is led and operated by a team of student volunteers. Get in contact with your school’s chapter to learn about their open positions.


If you’d like to strengthen the support network at your school and further the conversation around student mental health, consider founding a chapter at your university.

stay in touch

Learn More

Want to learn more about mental health topics? We’ve broken down some frequently discussed diagnoses, treatments, and more into high-level (but still validated), easily digestible pieces.