Alexander B.

If you're reading this, do not be discouraged by the darkness of a tunnel, but look to the end where the light awaits.

This letter is dedicated to anyone struggling in silence, as some of the most difficult battles we fight happen within ourselves. You don't have to fight alone and I hope you can find victories in your life.

Anything that may be diminished or lacking in your life will come to you in abundance. Every challenge or obstacle you encounter will be overcome, as you have already come this far and have so much more to do, say, and live for. I declare and decree that your greater is coming, and you will prosper.  

Being someone familiar with the feeling of being trapped, I want you to know that you are not alone. Remember that you are never out of options; there is always a way out of every situation. No wall is too tall, no door is locked forever, and troubles do not last.

All my life, I have been described as an optimist. When I say "the optimist," I mean a person who will never give power to nightmares but instead empower the dreams we share as a collective. I believe in a better tomorrow and always will. In both my personal and professional life, a common theme that I have realized is that we often allow nightmares to grow in magnitude due to those silent battles we face alone. We fear the uncertainty that life brings and the unknown that it perpetuates. However, as I always say, there is beauty in the madness, opportunity in the madness, and a pathway out of the madness.

From my perspective, I'm often asked, "How do you manage to hold it together?" or "You never seem upset; why is that?" But little do people know that I, too, fight my own silent battles. From the times when I've wanted to retreat to my room due to the sheer anxiety of academia, work, or the fear of uncertainty to my weekend ventures of pretending like my life isn't in turmoil, all these moments allow me to become numb. I, too, have my days. But every time the valley engulfs me, something clicks, and the air becomes easier to breathe, the scents become more vivid, the food starts to taste better, and I come to the realization that I am not alone, nor have I been abandoned.

That's when you realize that the silent battles we wage can be conquered, and in the end, everything will be alright.

In a world that can often be overwhelming and challenging, where chaos may prevail, it is crucial to keep yourself grounded. Consider this letter a call to action, urging you to discover ways to find calm amidst the storms that life presents. Be the one who can endure times of discomfort and serve as a dependable presence for others. Be someone people can trust and lean on during moments of uncertainty. Never doubt your purpose, as it is uniquely crafted and molded just for you.

In closing, I, Alexander Brown, will never be in front of you, behind you, above you, or beneath you. I will be beside you as someone who sees you and, most importantly, understands that sometimes the valleys in our lives can be hard to climb out of, and the mountains can seem unachievable, but they are not. You do not deserve a life in the darkness of the tunnel but a life basking in the glow at the end of it, so keep moving by any means necessary.

Alexander B., Clemson University ‘24


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Tom B.


Shaina S.