Coach Dabo Swinney

If you’re reading this…find JOY in the journey.

Every year, I choose a word that God puts on my heart to help me have a specific focus. One year, my word was JOY. As I get older, it seems that life is going faster and faster. One son who has graduated from Clemson, one son about to graduate from Clemson, and my youngest son about to be a freshman at Clemson. I love what I do and have been so busy doing life, and all of the sudden you look up and wonder where time goes.

I have been blessed to have many mountaintop experiences in life and each year we strive to reach another, but what I have learned is that we are not made for the mountaintops…

We are made for the climb, the journey, the grind, the relationships along the way, the struggles. Those mountaintop experiences are great, but life is about having JOY in the journey. Finding joy and purpose in our day-to-day activities is what it’s all about. Just having JOY in the moment. Joy, I believe, comes from within. It comes from having the Holy Spirit inside you.

We can all have J.O.Y. by focusing on Jesus, Others, and then Yourself. This is the perspective God wants us to have daily. Quit worrying about SOMEDAY and find JOY in the journey TODAY! This IS the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. God Bless!

Coach Dabo Swinney, Clemson Football Head Coach


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Aidan B.

