Syanis V.
If you're reading this, go where you're celebrated, not tolerated!
In a situation where it feels like no one is on your side no matter how hard you try, sometimes the best option is to leave... which isn't always the easiest option. At the end of my second year of college, I had a terrible falling out with a group of colleagues. I felt as if I was the problem, that if a group of people decided I was terrible, I must be. It made me feel lonely, hopeless, and confused. Shortly after the incident, I found a post on my Instagram feed (thanks, stalky algorithm) that read: "Go where you are celebrated, not tolerated." I realized that my worth is not defined by how many people think I'm terrible. I define myself, and whether or not people agree is their problem. I found a new group, where I felt welcomed, included, and most of all, celebrated.
As a Puerto Rican proverb says... "You're not a $100 bill to be liked by everyone." There will always be someone who doesn't agree with you, someone who thinks you're too loud, maybe another who thinks the worst of your actions... but there are people who like you, who find you hilarious, and who value you. If you think you don't, you're probably looking in the wrong place. This isn't to say you need to move to another country (unless you really want to and have the means for it). What I mean is to take a closer look at the people around you. Who always makes you laugh? Who always asks how your weekend was? Who shows values that are similar to yours? Don't give up on making new connections. It might be scary, but you just need to take a leap of faith sometimes.
You're a gem, stay strong.
Syanis V., Syracuse University
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