Camila L.
If you’re reading this, trust your timing.
If you’re reading this, I want to remind you to trust your timing. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, especially when attending an institution as prestigious and demanding as NYU. The expectations can feel crushing at times, and it may seem like everyone around you has their life figured out. Whether you’re premed, prelaw, or still uncertain about your future, remember that you are where you’re supposed to be. Everyone’s journey is different, and that’s okay. The pressure to have everything lined up perfectly, especially in a competitive environment, can feel insurmountable, but take a moment to recognize that simply showing up—attending class, doing your assignments, and even getting out of bed in the morning—are achievements in themselves. You are meant to be here, and you are not alone in this experience.
It’s important to remember that you are special, loved, and important. Each person brings a unique perspective and value to the world, but constantly comparing ourselves to others can rob us of our happiness and peace of mind. Comparison truly is the thief of joy. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of looking at someone else’s path and wondering why your own doesn’t look the same. But your journey is not meant to mirror anyone else’s. Your progress is not measured by the same markers or timeline as someone else’s, and that’s more than okay—it’s necessary for your growth and development. Focus on your own path and progress, and try not to worry about where others are.
I understand how difficult it can be to feel like you’re falling behind. Not too long ago, I found myself in a situation where I had to miss a month and a half of school due to medical reasons. My grades plummeted, and the career path I had worked so hard for seemed suddenly out of reach. I was devastated. I watched my classmates continue on their journeys, many of them still on track with their premed or other professional goals, and I couldn’t help but feel like I was losing time—time that I would never get back. I thought, “Why me?” and wondered if I had any future in the field I once dreamed of. The pressure I placed on myself was overwhelming. It was hard not to feel lost and like I had no place in a world where everyone else seemed to have their goals neatly set out in front of them.
However, after months of struggling with my mental health, I eventually came to realize something crucial: my situation was not comparable to the experiences of my classmates. Their paths were their own, just as mine was mine. The struggles I faced were mine to work through, and no one could dictate the pace at which I would heal, recover, or ultimately find my way. It took time, but I began to understand my journey wasn’t meant to align with anyone else’s. I wasn’t falling behind. I was simply on my own timeline, and that’s okay.
It’s natural to feel overwhelmed and even discouraged at times, especially in a place as fast-paced as NYU, where success can feel like it’s always out of reach. But please know that setbacks are a part of life and do not define you. You are capable of great things, no matter how long it takes to get there. Your path will be uniquely yours, filled with challenges, growth, and, ultimately, success—on your own terms.
So, if you’re feeling lost or discouraged today, please remember this: you are meant to be here. Your story is unfolding exactly as it should, even if it doesn’t look like everyone else’s. Keep going, keep showing up, and trust your timing. You are enough just as you are.
Camila L., New York University
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