Photography by Alison Pung
If you’re reading this, I hope you find the love you deserve.
It took me a long time to figure out that not all people who claim they love you are doing it correctly, whether they know it or not. In both friendships and relationships, people would throw the word love around while not actually living up to the word.
It's important to have someone who understands you. Someone who respects your opinions, but more importantly, values them.
Wait for someone who isn’t necessarily interested in all the things you do, but wants to know everything about them simply because they love you. Someone who cares about your friends lives because you care about your friends. Someone who will listen to every thought in your mind, and respond with enthusiasm.
Someone who listens.
To your favorite color. To the kind of flowers you like. To the cake you get every year on your birthday.
You deserve someone who values you.
It took me a while to realize that it’s not about people who are there for you at all times, but the ones that are there for you at your lowest. It's hard to show up for people when they are at their unhealthiest - when they have nothing to offer you and only need your help.
It's times like this where you need people to be there for you. When you feel the most unlovable and unloved is when you need people to show up.
Be that person for people.
The one who listens and shows up when it matters the most, but also, don’t accept anything less than that from other people.
If you’re reading this, you deserve a healthy love.
Anonymous, Virginia Commonwealth University
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