Roman S.
Photography by Mason Schlopy
If you’re reading this, it's okay.
It's okay the way you feel. It's okay to hurt. It's okay to be discouraged. It's okay to be confused. It's okay to be afraid. Give yourself permission to feel. If you can't find the kindness towards yourself to do so, then I give you permission.
I want you to give yourself one second. Look away from wherever you're reading this and look up. As high as you can. Whether it's the ceiling or the sky, just hold your head up. Ready? Now when you do this, take that permission and give yourself one second to say it's okay. Go.
How did it feel? I try to do that as much as I can. I may not be in your shoes, but whenever I am at my low points I feel I can never allow myself the permission to feel my emotions fully. Lately, I do just what you did, I stop and look up. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. But I can say that in that moment, I allow myself to try. And at the end of the day, that is all we can ever do. But if we never try, then things can never change. So start with looking up.
One thing I can tell you for certain is things get better. Today, for me, was better. If someone had asked me to write this letter yesterday, I couldn't have. But today I felt up, and so I tried. I tried to reach out and let someone else know that it's okay. It may not be tomorrow, but you will feel up compared to today.
I have one ask from you though. When you are up, spread it around. Sometimes when we feel good, we want to hold onto it by ourselves so that it never goes away. But the reality dear reader, is it may. It feels so good to hold onto our good days, but it teaches us that we can do the same thing for our bad days. So I challenge you reader, when you are up, spread compassion, love, and understanding to others. It could be a stranger, a friend, a partner. As simple as saying thank you. As kind as a smile. But this challenge does not end here. When you are low dear reader, the challenge remains. Tell someone, reach out, and if all else fails, look up and permit yourself one second.
If you are reading this, I believe in you. If you are reading this I love you. If you are reading this, I am still here too <3.
Roman S., Syracuse University
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