Markie H.
Photography done by Colleen Charchut
After a brief hiatus, IfYou’ at Northwestern is back with a new series featuring NU student-athletes. We understand that mental health is something that impacts everyone, including athletes. We want to highlight the student-athlete experience by hearing directly from the source, NCAA Division I student-athletes at Northwestern. This series of letters comes from a few athletes who volunteered to speak about their story and journey with mental health as well as the particular pressures to being both student and athlete in the Big Ten Conference. We wanted to bring attention to the idea that despite the strength of athletes, they too have to build and cultivate emotional wellness. We appreciate their willingness to share their experience with our community. Whatever the particular pressures you’re facing right now might be, from athletics to academics, we hope this letter resonates with you. The impacts and challenges of mental health are universal.
If you’re reading this, know that you are worth it.
Freshman year, I thought that my worth was defined by my sport. I thought people liked me because of my performance. I did not want to disappoint my family or my coaches.
Putting this pressure on myself was unbearable. I could not handle it. Through conversations with my therapist, and making a constant effort to help shift my perspective, I have found that I have inherent worth that is unchangeable regardless of what each day brings.
Knowing my worth has reduced the pressure I put on myself, and has allowed me to acknowledge that it is okay to have bad days.
It is crazy for me to look back and see how much better my mental health has become, and it makes me extremely optimistic and hopeful that whatever season of life you are in right now, you will get through it. There is love and happiness on the other side waiting for you.
Even if things are tough, I know that everyone reading this has worth as a person regardless of any of your accomplishments. As hard as it can be to keep fighting, know that you are worth it.
Markie H., Northwestern University
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