Christian A.
Photography by Emma Kraus
If you're reading this, know that you're part of a vast community where solitude meets solidarity — you are never alone.
Although I do not like dealing in absolutes, I can all but guarantee that every runner has heard the classic quip by someone in their life: “Wow! You run a lot, but what are you running from?” Though we often respond to this cliché with a light laugh followed by a change of subject, there is a certain element of truth to it for many runners like myself.
Seeking help when I'm struggling mentally isn't always my strength, as it can feel daunting to believe that my emotions and feelings are truly significant enough to be shared with other people. Not wanting to be a burden to others, it is oftentimes so much easier to keep things to myself. These anxieties and trepidations have hindered me in a lot of spaces, but I am so thankful that Run Club is not one of those spaces. In fact, it’s the opposite. While running alone gives me the individual space to process my emotions and work through them, Run Club gives me the outlet where I can be with people who all share a spirit for running and embody a genuine support system, ready to uplift one another.
Many of my runs, whether with Run Club members or fellow students, are the highlights of my experiences in medical school. I often joke that long runs with the right person are really therapy sessions in disguise. This isn't to suggest that running can replace professional therapy — but running with friends might just offer a unique form of camaraderie and insight that can make a huge difference.
Running is a beautiful thing. It gets the blood pumping. It gets the muscles firing. Yet, amidst this surge of physical activity, there's a transformative process where our racing thoughts begin to decelerate. This physical exertion morphs into a channel for mental clarity, allowing us space to sift through the clutter of our daily lives. Running becomes a meditative journey. It's within this space of motion that we find the capacity to reflect deeply, process our thoughts, and find gratitude toward the small, everyday moments.
More than just a solitary pursuit, running weaves us into a tapestry of diverse individuals who carry similar goals, aspirations, anxieties, and worries. In our collective stride, we share the road, the struggles, and the triumphs. Running offers us a sanctuary, a rare pause in a world that seldom stands still, granting us peace in motion and a profound sense of connection. For this, I am incredibly grateful.
If anyone reading this ever wants to go for a run (or simply wishes to talk about running and/or life's twists and turns), I'm here for you. Better still, join us at the MSR on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm and find people who are ready to run alongside you — through every step of life’s marathon.
Christian A., Boston University
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