Gilbert P.
Photography by Emma Kraus
If you’re reading this, it’s okay to step back and take some time to rest, heal, and grow.
We often don’t. It is only natural to look ahead – to continue forward to the next adventure, the next step. I find myself doing it all the time, as life is exciting and brimming with limitless possibilities in a yet to be defined future. Society almost beckons us to continually glance forward by glorifying productivity and achievement. But, there is much to be said about stopping, reflecting, and appreciating how we are where we are in the first place. Self-awareness and introspection are not luxuries, but rather necessities for wellness.
In the past, I struggled with this concept and today still struggle with it to a certain extent. It almost seems wrong to pause and stop what we are doing, but we are finite and not inexhaustible. Taking a break is normal. Sometimes it is the best thing we can do to be able to continue forward as our best selves. Other times, it is the only thing we can do to protect ourselves.
My cousin passed away nearly a decade ago. I still recall that day like it was yesterday. I was a sophomore in college when it happened. Cancer sucks. We had been told it was the expected outcome, but it still came as a shock. As an only child, I felt like I had lost a sibling. It was tragic and forced a moment of introspection. How did this happen? Why did this happen? I neither had the answers nor knew where to find them. I did not recognize it at that moment, but I needed time – time for myself to reflect and come to terms with my loss.
Taking time for yourself can manifest in many different ways. It can mean solitude or deep individual thought. It can also mean speaking with others or simply being in their presence. There is no right or wrong answer -- only what is comfortable for you. I sought opportunities to reevaluate my priorities and cultivate the relationships I had. In doing so, I was able to foster an understanding of who I am and what I needed to thrive. I would not be who I am or where I am today without giving myself the space to heal and be the best version of myself.
I recognize that I am incredibly fortunate to have had the support that I did at the time that I did. Not everyone has this opportunity. If you’re reading this, I am here to listen without judgment. If you’re reading this, I am here to remind you that you deserve to grieve, to pause, and to grow. If you’re reading this, take time for yourself, because you depend on it.
Gilbert P., Boston University
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