Photography by Emily Gallagher
If you are reading this, it is okay to struggle with anxiety.
I have always had anxiety. I have always struggled with anxiety. It never was something that hindered my life, though, until my third year in college. Last year my anxiety hit an all-time high. My parents were starting their separation process, and I was deciding what I wanted to do with my life, all while struggling with the daily life of a college student during the pandemic. I was losing control of my life which manifested itself in panic attacks. I would have a panic attack on average every week. The tiniest thing could have set me off. It felt as though nothing would get better when I had these episodes, and more anxiety would set in because I was terrified of having them.
I finally had enough and told my parents and my therapist about this. The therapist recommended I see a psychiatrist to get put on medication to help ease the symptoms. I also began to learn Dialectic Behavioral Therapy. This helped significantly but did not take the anxiety away. While I still struggle with anxiety, I no longer have panic attacks consistently. Yes, there are things that still set me off. Like my crazy roommate, my parents, school, etc., but I have learned how to live with it.
Take a walk, use skills such as TIP temperature change, intensive exercise, and paced breathing. Read a book. Take a 15-minute “vacation,” put on your favorite show, eat something, shower. Everyone has different things that calm them. Everyone has some form of anxiety, you may not have panic attacks, but EVERYONE has it. It is not something anyone wants to have, but it is a part of living. Never be afraid to rely on your family, friends, and peers. Everyone feels this way.
It is something we as a whole need to be more open about.
Anonymous, Colby College
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