If you’re reading this, make the call.
If you’re reading this, getting help doesn’t mean you failed.
If you’re reading this, I want you to know that you are not a failure.
If you’re reading this, and even if it doesn't feel like it, I promise life goes on.
If you’re reading this, I want to give you a hug.
If you’re reading this, I want to be there for you.
If you’re reading this, you have a story to tell.
If you’re reading this, know that you’re allowed to feel the way you do.
If you’re reading this, I’m here for you.
If you’re reading this, I understand.
If you’re reading this, keep going.
If you’re reading this, know that I’ve got your back.
If you’re reading this, you’re one of my people.
If you’re reading this, you are enough.
If you’re reading this, I care about you.
If you’re reading this, someone loves you.
If you’re reading this, it is not too late.