Galen G.

Photography by Galen G.

If you are reading this, I want to be there for you.

Maybe its 3 pm during class.  Maybe its 2 am in your room.  Maybe you need a shoulder to cry on.  Maybe you need a listening ear.  Maybe you just need someone to sit there with you so you aren’t alone.  No matter when or where or why you need me, know that I will be there.

Life can be so scary, and there are things that make it scarier- but there are also things that can help.  I want to be that thing for you.  I want to make your world less alone.  Whether you are one of my best friends or we have never met, I want you to know that I will drop anything I am doing and come to you, even if all I can offer is a hand to hold.

I cannot promise that I will have a magic pill to make everything bad go away, nor do I always know what to say, but I want to make sure you know that you are loved.  You are wanted and needed- and my goodness, are you amazing.  

It can be so scary to depend on other people- depend on them anyways.  Asking for help from others means being vulnerable, and sometime that feeling sucks, but the compassion of people amazes me every day.  Yes, I have met people who have made my life hell, but for every one of those people there are about ten people who would do anything for me.  Know that I will be that person for you- and I am not the only one.  If you ever need someone, I want you to reach out and be vulnerable.

I might not know you, but I am human.  You could walk up to me on the street and ask for just about anything, and I would try my hardest to give it to you.  There are more people like me than you think, I promise, and if you ever feel alone, reach out to me, to your friends, to a stranger, and know that you are deserving of help and love simply because you are a human.

Galen G., University of Virginia


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David L.

