Photography by Alexandra Pentel
If you're reading this, know that you're allowed to feel the way you do.
Your emotions are real and no one expects you to be able to just "snap out of it." Time is on your side and you're exactly where you need to be right now. You may want to be alone and that's okay. When you're ready, I'll be there to hold you close and sing your favorite songs. We can also sit in silence if you'd like because I know words can be hard.
There's nothing wrong with you. In fact, you're beautifully human in the most intimate of ways. Your kindness, resilience and optimism leaves me in awe. Thank you for sharing yourself with me in every way. Although you felt stuck in a storm, you always radiated sunshine into my life.
Most importantly, you're so lovable. Oh my goodness, your capacity to love and be loved is infinite. So just be; whatever you want to be. Feel things through and stay gentle.
I believe in you and you are incomparably amazing today, tomorrow and every day moving forward.
Loving you always,
(Whoever you need it to be)
Anonymous, University of Virginia
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