Johnathan R.

If you’re reading this, someone loves you.

No matter how dark your life may seem, there is a light shining somewhere.

I remember my first year of college. I remember waking up to my phone vibrating at 3am. I picked it up and heard the distressed voice on the other end saying they were about to end it all. The person on the other end didn’t sound like my joking, funny friend. It was the voice of someone who was struggling just to make the phone call. Someone who just needed to know there was someone out there that still cared about them.

You are not alone. Regardless of how bad it hurts; it will get better. The world needs you here. Don’t end it all over something that you can overcome with support. Your future is awaiting you and who knows what special person is waiting to meet you. Reaching out for help isn’t a sign of weakness, in fact it is one of the most courageous things you can ever do.

You are a fantastic person. You matter! You are a strong soul carrying an incomprehensibly heavy burden. Reach out and let someone help you carry it. Don’t travel this path alone any longer. Together we will be stronger.


Johnathan R., University of Virginia


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Brian L.


Zach E.