Emily A.
Photography by Ryan Keen
If you’re reading this, you are enough.
You have an inherent value as a person that nothing can ever change—nothing that you or anyone else does. I know that it’s easy to get caught in the trap of constant comparison to others (believe me, I’ve been there). Especially when we’re on social media, I think we often measure our self-worth by how we stack up against our peers. Social media presents a curated version of our lives, one where successes and popularity are highlighted and the messier, more complicated parts are hidden away. When I look at profiles filled with smiling friends and prestigious internships, I sometimes feel lesser-than. But then I remind myself: behind closed doors, these people are probably struggling with the same insecurities that I am.
Honestly, even if other people’s lives really are as great as they seem on Twitter, that in no way detracts from your personal worth. After all, you aren’t them. Nobody expects you to have the same experiences and accolades as those people, because you aren’t the same person. You have a set of skills and qualities that nobody else does. You bring something special to this world that makes it a better place. Maybe you’re having trouble finding that part of yourself right now, but trust me, it’s there! We need you. We need your sense of humor and your unique perspective, your fears and your inhabitations. We need the whole you—including the messy parts. Because you are enough.
Emily A., University of Virginia
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