Photography by Nathaniel Villaire
If you’re reading this, there are people out there who care about you.
Maybe you’ve faced a tough situation. Maybe you feel awful without reason. Maybe you find yourself crying out of the blue. Or maybe you feel like you haven’t found a true friend. Whatever it is, you will get past it.
Some of the best advice I have ever received is this:
You have not met all the people who are going to love you.
Similarly: Be alone, but not lonely.
My battle with mental health started very young. I was always deemed “sensitive” or “uptight.” When I was in 6th grade I would come home with sweat stains on my clothes from being so anxious just existing. In high school I remember hitting this breaking point where I was in bed sobbing hoping to not wake up every day feeling dreadful. I was confused. I had good friends, good grades, a caring family, a loving partner, and all my needs were met. Except I had panic attacks so bad I would puke, and heart palpitations that made me so winded I could not speak. It was a scary, isolating feeling.
Eventually I started seeing a psychiatrist and a therapist at the same time. This was a game changer for me. My panic attacks were reduced by a half, my general anxiety was better, I just felt like the world was more doable. Although it took some time finding the right therapist, it was definitely worth it in the long run.
While a lot of the time it feels like we are on our own in this scary, complicated world, we are not. While I do believe that you should be comfortable being alone - a skill that took me a long time to master - there are always people who are rooting for you. There are people out there who care about you. Who knows? It might even be a stranger who you briefly smiled at during a walk. This letter is all over the place, but my point is this:
Do not rely on others for your happiness. But also know there are so many people in the world who care about you, even if you have not met them yet. If you need help, reach out. You are loved.
Anonymous, Virginia Commonwealth University
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