If you’re reading this, keep it up.
I’m on the journey of pursuing medical school, and time and time again I’ve felt like giving up. I’ve had a crazy ride of ups and downs, with the downs being tremendously low. I want to share my journey with you to remind you to be proud of yourself, and to persevere through your difficulties.
Happiness, while empowering, isn't an everlasting emotion. I’ve had times where I felt good about myself, yet it seems as if the more happy I am the harder I’ve crashed. For years, I’ve struggled with immense anxiety and mild depression, stemming from a tough childhood, being forced to fend for myself emotionally. It sucks when you strive to do something great, yet your mind is obstructing you from your potential. Whether it’s a career that’s being pursued or a day to day goal, it’s important to remind yourself that it’s okay that it sucks sometimes. Humans have several emotions, and it only makes sense to feel each one as deeply as the other. When the lows are low, remind yourself that there is light and the end of the tunnel.ush through it. This change of perspective has pushed me to make it to my last semester, continuing to pursue my goals, rather than giving up. Through my growth, I’ve been able to rebuild burned bridges and have found people that make me feel loved and supported - yet I know what it’s like to be in absence of that.
No one can support you the way that you can - be proud of yourself and continue pushing through it. The more you allow yourself to grow and be your own biggest supporter, you’ll attract an environment that enables you to grow to reach your full potential. Remind yourself you’re only human, and keep it up.
Anonymous, Virginia Commonwealth University
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