The Bandana Project
Photography by Ally Szabo
If you’re reading this, we can overcome the things we don’t talk about, and we don’t have to do it alone.
As the Bandana Project at Villanova, our mission is to destigmatize mental health and make resources more accessible for everybody. Through regular general body meetings and outreach events, we promote open discussions about mental health, conduct suicide prevention trainings, and cultivate a supportive community. Our overarching goal is to empower our members with the necessary tools to advocate for both their own mental well-being and that of others, fostering positivity and resilience throughout our community. We strive to create a more supportive future where mental health is prioritized and celebrated.
As an executive board, many of us have struggled with our mental health without anyone ever knowing. We often felt hesitant to burden friends with our problems, or we compared the severity of our mental health challenges to those of others. During these times, we have needed someone willing to truly listen to our stories and offer support in any way they can. As a result of our experiences, we aspire to be that supportive presence we once needed, ensuring that nobody feels isolated in their mental health challenges like we once did.
Going through these struggles alone can be completely exhausting, but it does not mean we are weak. Our mental health challenges do not define us, and by fostering a supportive community and utilizing mental health resources, there is a way to overcome what burdens us. Mental health is important enough to talk about, and we are important enough to be cared about, regardless of the size of our struggles.
There is hope for all of us.
We can create a community that overcomes stigma and ensures nobody suffers in silence, but we must do it together.
Take care,
Jack, Sophia, Thomas, Katie, Lauren, and Meg
The Bandana Project, Villanova University
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To follow IfYoureReadingThis at Villanova on Instagram, get in touch with our chapter, and learn about more resources available to Villanova students, visit our chapter’s homepage.
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