Taylor C.
Photography by Sabrina Atkin
If you are reading this, I hope you know that the strength you’ve been desperately searching for in the world is already inside of you. I wish that I knew this earlier. I hadn’t realized that the strength I’ve been searching for in other places, people, and things, has already been hidden deep inside of me, ready to come out when I need it most. I’ve found it most interesting that my darkest, most trying moments have been the ones that have revealed the most to me about my inner strength, dedication, commitment, and ambitious drive - and honestly, overall, they have simply revealed the most about my character.
There is no testimony without a test. Mike Tyson said this, and I haven’t really been able to get it out of my mind ever since.
See, right now, I’m training for my first marathon, and yesterday I did seven miles straight for the first time. The first couple hundred meters, I was motivated. During my first couple of miles, I felt on top of the world. I was listening to high-energy music and felt excited, with my water bottle full of some sort of Alani Nu mixture with creatine. I felt great. It wasn’t until after the third mile that the motivation started to leave my body as I had to log onto a Zoom, my drink was drunk, and the only things left were myself and my legs. The motivation left my body as I began questioning whether or not I could actually finish.
What happened next, though, was something extraordinary. I wasn’t excited. I wasn’t motivated. I actually just wanted to quit. But, discipline crept up on me, and deep down, I knew I was not going anywhere. I had made a commitment to myself - a promise, and I don’t play about those, especially the ones I make to those I love.
And I am starting to love me.
See, I’ve spent a lot of my life searching for strength: searching for inspiration and motivation in others. I love watching films like Rocky and I love listening to inspirational Youtube shorts. I love listening to Meek Mill, and I love feeding off the energy of group fitness classes.
But, what do you do when nothing is left but you? When it’s just you and the task you are faced with?
It is the darkest moments in our lives that shape us, and reveal who we truly are, deep down inside. Our character. Our bravery. Our light.
You have that strength inside of you. That light has been there. It’s always been there. And it will be waiting for you when you need it the most.
Taylor C., University of Southern California
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