Director of Athletics Rick Hart
Photograph provided by SMU Department of Athletics
If you’re reading this, you are not alone.
I grew up during a time when mental health was not openly discussed. When people suffered from depression and anxiety disorders, they were mostly left to “deal with it” on their own and suffer. Thankfully, social norms are evolving and the importance of mental health, including available resources and treatment options, is more broadly known and discussed. Issues that need to be addressed are finally being brought to light.
A medical advisory group recently recommended that all adult Americans aged 19 to 64 be screened for anxiety, and earlier this year, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended anxiety screening for children 8 to 18. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults every year. These develop from a complex set of risk factors – including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events – and are highly treatable.
You are not alone and help is available.
You will be supported.
In 2017, the American Athletic Conference Student-Athlete Advisory Committee launched “Powerful Minds” – an initiative to improve awareness of mental health issues and resources available to student-athletes with the goal of ending the stigma related to seeking help. This week, in conjunction with Mental Illness Awareness Week, we celebrate the more than 7,000 student-athletes who are dedicated to “promoting academic and personal success through a healthy, powerful mind.” Here at SMU, we have embraced the goals associated with Powerful Minds and enhanced the resources to support mental health. Our work will never be complete when it comes to meeting the full spectrum of needs related to the health and well-being of our community, but we are making progress and there are people ready to help you.
Click on any of the submissions and you’ll see people struggling with the same issues you face. There are so many courageous and inspiring stories.
Rick Hart, Director of Athletics
Southern Methodist University
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