VU Exec Board
Photography by Gabi Frank
If you’re reading this you’re not alone, we see you.
Meet the executive board of If You’re Reading This Villanova. For the first letter of the semester, we wanted to share a little about who we are and what we do.
Sophia Crossan (Co-President)
Hi everyone! My name is Sophia and I am one of the co-presidents of IfYoureReadingThis Nova! I am a junior neuroscience major with a passion for mental health. Ever since I received my own diagnosis of anxiety, I have worked to use my story as a way to spread awareness and help others feel supported. I believe that everyone has a story to share, whether it’s directly related to mental health or not, and that your story will impact everyone who hears it in a way unimaginable to you. IYRT holds a special place in my heart, as the connections I have made with advisors and peers have helped me grow and continue advocating for increased resources and decreased stigma for mental illnesses and mental health. Just because you have not been diagnosed with a mental illness does not mean you don’t have mental health– everyone has mental health, so take care of yourself. Everyone at IYRT Nova is here to support you in whatever stage of your journey you are currently in. If you’re reading this, you have a place here and deserve to be heard.
Annie Arner (Co-President)
Hey everyone! My name is Annie, and I am the other co-president of IfYoureReadingThis Nova! :) Mental health has always been a huge focus in my life as many close to me, including myself, struggle with it. I got involved with IYRT during my freshman year, shortly after our campus founder, Julia Stanisci, kick-started the Villanova chapter. I started as an editor and, over time, began to take over this role with my incredible co-president, Sophia.
The experience of reading and editing your letters at Villanova has carried me through some of the most challenging times I have had thus far. I am so impressed with the vulnerability and courage within our student body that has led this organization to become what it is. Thank you to everyone who reads our letters, submits letters, and promotes them. Villanova has become a better place because of you. If you’re reading this, thank you for bringing our organization to life.
Ally Szabo (Photographer)
Hi! My name is Ally and I’m the photographer for IfYoureReadingThis Nova! Mental health has always been very important to me and as I have struggled with my own mental health before, creating a community where we can connect with and support each other has been one of the most fulfilling things I’ve been a part of. As the photographer for IYRT Nova, I have the beautiful privilege of meeting everyone who submits a letter, getting to know them, and taking the photo they choose to share their story with. It also has reminded me that not everything is the way it seems on the outside; everyone smiles for their photo in front of a beautiful background, but their letters show a side of vulnerability of what happens behind the scenes. You can never know what someone is or has gone through just by looking at them. So, if you’re reading this, be kind and know that you don’t always have to wear a brave face.
Haley Smith (Editor)
Hi friends! My name is Haley, and I am a junior majoring in Communication (PR & Advertising) with minors in Business & Spanish. It is my second year on our exec team, and working as an Editor for this organization is a position I hold very close to my heart.
The first IfYoureReadingThis Nova letter was posted in the spring of my senior year of high school, a time that was incredibly difficult for me. The discussion of mental health since then has continued to be a passion of mine, and after submitting my own letter to be posted in October of 2022, IfYoureReadingThis Nova continues to be the support I need in my college journey. Forming connections through a collection of mental health letters was not something I envisioned being such a valuable part of my experience here at Villanova, but it is something I wouldn’t change for the world. To each and every one of you reading this, I hope you find your community and the support you need to keep moving forward and know that IfYoureReadingThis Nova is here for you.
Jess Huwar (Editor)
Hi, Villanova! My name is Jess, and I am a senior from Pittsburgh, PA. I’m graduating this semester with a degree in Chemistry and a minor in Criminology. As co-editor of IfYou’reReadingThis Nova, I’ve witnessed time and again the tremendous power of words help us feel, heal, and find community. IYRT provides a platform for students to connect with one another and further the meaningful conversation about mental health. Reading your letters has been one of the greatest pleasures of my college experience, and I can’t wait to see IYRT continue to soar.
Zach Hetrick (Treasurer)
Hi guys! My name is Zach and I’m a sophomore from Yardley, PA. I’m a marketing major, and here at Villanova, I am also involved in NOVAdance, Phi Sigma Pi, and VSB peer tutors! As the Treasurer for IYRT, I manage our budget so we can bring awesome initiatives to life, creating opportunities for open conversations and raising awareness about important issues through events like speaker talks. I got involved with IYRT because I believe prioritizing mental health is essential, and our organization plays a significant role in this mission! We're here to support all Villanovans in various ways, ensuring you feel connected and never isolated. Beyond that, we strive to create a community where every member is valued, offering a platform for positive interactions and shared experiences. So, if you're reading this, know that a supportive campus community is ready to stand by you, providing comfort and encouragement whenever you need it! ♡
Sophia Soberon (Marketing/PR)
Hi everyone! My name is Sophia, and I’m the Director of Public Relations and Marketing for IYRT. My hope for this coming semester and the future of the organization is that we can continue to broaden the reach of this amazing outlet to a larger portion of the Villanova community to provide a unique support network for students and faculty alike. Our main goal is to remind others that as human beings, we are unified by our capacity to experience emotions, and consequently, their influences on both our internal and external well-being. As individuals within a community, we are each a pillar of something larger. Without each of us, a community would not exist. This being said, each and every one of us holds a commitment to one another and values we share. The deconstruction of mental health stigmas begins with sharing a single story; your story is your truth, and your truth holds your power to ignite change!
So if you’re reading this Villanova, you have a place with us.
Villanova Exec Team, Villanova University
Connect With Us
To follow IfYoureReadingThis at Villanova on Instagram, get in touch with our chapter, and learn about more resources available to Villanova students, visit our chapter’s homepage.
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