Mark D.
Photography by [insert photographer name and hyper link to website or Instagram]
If you’re reading this, college is a pivotal moment in the lives of many people. Those who are fortunate enough to attend become acclimated with new faces and friends of varying backgrounds from across the country. In my case, I moved across the entire country to attend this wonderful school. I am earning my doctorate, which is both a dream and something that I never thought would be possible, yet I know that my work has earned me this opportunity.
Currently, I am finding myself lost between communities in the area. The town itself is small, with the college itself doubling the town's population. On campus, many people are younger than me. It is within the age gap and the differing cultures where my struggle resides. I feel that I do not belong among my fellow students nor among my program peers and while I struggle, I am optimistic. Whenever I become bothersome, I reflect on life's journey, I reflect on the opportunity ahead of me within this program and I look ahead at the wonderful opportunity I am provided to grow as a person.
It is a balancing act, one that I'm sure occurs within a lot of people. I know that I am not alone. If you are struggling with this, know that you are not alone either.
Mark D. (he/him), Washington State University
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