Kaina C.

Photography by Emma Kraus

If you’re reading this, there is community here for you. 

When I was first drafting this letter, I wasn’t sure what to write. I hesitated to dole out advice or relay the words of reassurance, because, to be honest – I haven’t quite figured it all out myself. 

 But when I reflect on the hard days, pretty much all were made more tolerable by the people that have listened. Not everyone offered me a solution, nor incredibly insightful advice – they didn’t have to. Even though we did not always have the exact same background nor experience the same challenges, their presence and willingness to hear what I had to say was enough.  

So, I’m submitting this with the hope that by adding my letter here, I can be one more person (of many!) on this campus, extending an offer to support and listen to whatever you’re going through.  

To the reader who is determined to get through the hard stuff alone: know that you are not a burden. Let us, your community, help you shoulder the load that has been weighing you down. We’ll show up for you, just as you would for us.   

To the reader who feels the constant sense of being chronically behind and the eternal scramble to “catch up,”: I totally feel this, too. But I try to remind myself that my worth isn’t measured by my productivity, and I hope that reminder helps you, too.  

To the reader who feels lonely, hopeless, or just a little stuck, it’s okay to slow down, ask for a break, and fill your own tank. It’s not selfish to have boundaries and help yourself first, whatever that looks like for you. 

Kaina C., Boston University


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Ting M.


Katia K.