Gabby P.

Photography by Alejo Mejia-Tejada

If you’re reading this, know that someone cannot imagine their life without you.

We all have those days where sometimes the world seems too cruel to stay in it. Struggles become bigger every day and the easier option would be to quit, right? Wrong. You are loved. You are important. You matter.

Family, friends, teachers, classmates- you are a part of their lives. You make a difference to those around you, no matter how much of an impact it is. People know your laugh, they recognize your voice, they see you for you. Do not forget the way you made that one friend smile, or the hug you received by a loved one, or the wave you got from a former peer. You are not alone, so don’t ever believe that the world will be a better place without you in it. Because if it was, then you would have never been here in the first place. So remember, there are people that cannot imagine their life without you. That’s how much of an impact you have on this world. That’s how much you belong here.

Gabby P., Clemson University


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