Cassandra H.
Photography by Taormina Cosomano
If you’re reading this, you’re on the right track.
I’m a premedical student in my first year of college. I’ve been dealing with severe imposter syndrome and the intense fear of falling behind. This is what I have to say to others who, even if not students at all, have felt similar things.
You don’t need to be the fastest to achieve your goals. Take a step back and breathe. There's merit to stopping and smelling the roses. The destination is not nearly as important as the journey, and I say that because your spirit must still be there to follow you. Spreading yourself too thin is not worth any achievement.
Comparison is one of humankind’s greatest enemies. Acknowledging that there are an infinite number of ways to get to the same place is the first step. Anyone you are envious of is envious of others, who are envious of others, and so on. We have our strengths and weaknesses, and they are what motivate and drive us to reach our goals.
To pre-medical students,
You don’t have to run at the same pace as anyone else. You don’t have to take three science courses with labs and volunteer for medical experience at the same time. Just because something is possible doesn’t mean it is healthy or preferred. Start with the things you enjoy, and if you can incorporate more, do so. Medical school, residency, and attending will come when they come. There is no reason to “sacrifice” your 20s. An extra year or two to reach that MD isn’t going to make you any less of a doctor.
Do what you can and try your best, and your best will take care of the rest. We are all in this together, and many of us are extremely lucky to have wonderful support systems.
That said, if you’re reading this, you’re on the right track. Take it one semester at a time, and enjoy the material, the experience, and the people you meet along the way.
Cassandra H., Florida State University
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