Community Reflections

Photography by Marly Rokenbrod

On February 14th, the IfYou’reReadingThis Exec Team set up a mirror on South Lawn to spread some love around Grounds in celebration of Valentine’s Day. We encouraged students passing by to write their own message or affirmation to another student who may look in the mirror. Here are their responses:

If you’re reading this… you’re beautiful

If you’re reading this… you are loved

If you’re reading this… you are enough

If you’re reading this… tu es meilleur (you are the best)

If you’re reading this… you rock

If you’re reading this… you are important

If you’re reading this… you’re loved

If you’re reading this… things may be hard but you are filled with AMAZING STRENGTH

If you’re reading this… you are valued

If you’re reading this… you are worthy

If you’re reading this… 你是最美丽的 (you are most beautiful)

If you’re reading this… you look so cute

If you’re reading this… you are strong and resilient

If you’re reading this… you are killing it today!

If you’re reading this… I’m happy you’re here

If you’re reading this… the sun will come out tomorrow

Maybe one of these messages needs a permanent spot on your mirror at home. If you’re reading this, remember that your UVA community cares deeply about you.

The Students of University of Virginia


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To follow IfYoureReadingThis at UVA on Instagram, get in touch with our chapter, and learn about more resources available to University of Virginia students, visit our chapter’s homepage.


Ashar Q.


Kyle R.