Photography by Roshan Srinivasan

If you’re reading this, remember to stay in the present and breathe.

I know you feel uncertain, scared, even worried for tomorrow and what it may hold. I’m writing this letter  to remind you to take a deep breath, and remember that you’re here today for a reason. It’s okay to feel however you’re feeling right now, but it’s important to not dwell in your feelings forever.

At the start of every dark tunnel, there’a a shine waiting at the other end. 

People close to me have confided in me to listen to their struggle, not exactly wanting or knowing if they need any advice. But one thing I found to be very similar in all of these stories was that the things my friends were telling me about themselves were very far from everyone’s perception of them. Whether or not they were able to allow themselves to hear what everyone was saying over the voice in their head that was feeding them all of this negativity, they were told different things from what they believed of themself in that moment. One of the most important things I have learned in my journey is that you are your biggest critic, and that is something that no one can change. 

However, one thing you can control is how much grace you give yourself in those moments of self doubt. The number of times I have heard people who I have seen do incredible things out of sheer will and then knock themselves down over a little thing is beyond me. 

Another thing I have noticed is that self-doubt and too much self-criticsm, which I myself am a victim to as well, can lead someone to try and change too much about what makes them so unique. 

If there is someone who you look up to or aspire to be, remember that the goal is not to become them. It is very good to look up and acknowledge good habits, but the overall goal is to learn from your experiences, whether those experiences  are solely yours or experiences that were shared with someone. Once you begin to emulate a different person’s personality, you lose what makes you, you. 

In the history of time, there hasn’t been a single human who was ever perfect. Billions of years later, that person won’t be you either. To be the best version of yourself is something that nobody can ever match, your uniqueness and beauty are what make you as special as you are. Your purpose in life is not meant to be determined by anyone but you. To feel like you’re lost is only natural, life is too short to think outside of the present. Your story and your journey are paved by you, to be about you, so take control! 

I leave you with this: remember to live in the present, remember that every path is unique and special in its own way for every reason.

And be kind to yourself.  

Ashar Q., Virginia Commonwealth University


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