Bridgette M.
Photography by Emma Kraus
If you’re reading this, it’s okay to give yourself a pep talk.
I think of little mantras to repeat to myself when I feel myself going down the slippery slope of self-doubt, stress, imposter syndrome, you name it.
The phrases range from 'give yourself grace, you are trying your best,' to something I tell myself almost every day in the nicest, kindest way, 'I'm not that special; the world does not revolve around me and the challenges I experience. People have come before me and people will come after me, this will not break me and I will grow through this process.' Other snippets that I find helpful, especially in environments when emotions run high and things occasionally get 'spicy' [reading between the lines... if I don't have the most pleasant interaction with someone], I remind myself to trust my belief that everyone is trying their best. Granted, given the circumstances of the day, 'best' looks different from person to person. But when I remind myself to give others the same benefit of the doubt I hope that others give me, I find that my stress/frustration/any sort of undesired emotion tends to melt away!
Bridgette M., Boston University
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