University of North Carolina
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Resources is one of many great resources available to UNC students. Below we’ve provided a brief description of a few of these resources, as well as how to access them. While this list is not exhaustive, we hope it is helpful.
UNC Counseling and Psychological SERVICES
Counseling and Psychology Services (CAPS) offers a variety of services to meet the mental health needs for UNC students and post-docs.
Location: 320 Emergency Room Dr #7470, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Phone: 919-966-3658
Crisis phone: 919-966-3658
Heels Care Network
The Heels Care Network (HCN) is a comprehensive mental health resource through an online platform that is accessible to everyone who is a part of the UNC community. This resource is a place for Tarheels to come together in support of each other and access the many mental health and well-being resources at Carolina.
behavioral Health services
Behavioral Health Services offers mental health therapy services for patients of the UNC Family Medicine Center. All services are designed to assist people in making the changes they want in their lives.
Location: 590 Manning Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Phone: 984-974-0210
Carolina Recovery Program
The Carolina Recovery Program strives to create an inclusive and accepting environment where any UNC-CH student seeking recovery can build community, flourish personally, thrive academically, and foster enduring resiliency. Carolina Recovery provides each student with a customized success plan and proactive recovery-focused programming facilitated by staff, local professionals, and peer-based support.
Off-Campus Housing:
Orange County Rape Center
The Orange County Rape Crisis Center is a non-profit agency serving survivors of sexual violence in Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Hillsborough, and surrounding areas. Our free and confidential services for survivors and their loved ones include 24-Hour Helplines, therapy, advocacy and accompaniment, support groups, workshops, therapy, and case management.
Office Number: 919-968-4647
24-Hour Helpline: 919-967-7273
Location: 1229 East Franklin St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Est. 2024
By Carter MuRR, Class of 2025
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