UVA Exec Team 2024-25

Photography by Amelia Johnson and editing by Cat White

If you’re reading this, our team is excited to meet and support you.

In this letter, we share advice from a few of our 2024-2025 members going into the new school year:

Hey everyone! I’m Annabel and I am the social media manager for IYRT at UVA. I’m really excited to grow our platform and spread the word about our amazing organization. I know a lot of times social media can have a negative impact on mental health, but here, we hope our profile can spread some positivity and supportive messaging to let you all know we are here for you! When you need a reminder about your worth, I hope our posts let you know that this community values each and every one of you greatly. If you’re reading this, go check out our Instagram!

Hello! My name is Katie and I am the new ambassador program chair and peer contact. I’m excited to help grow the IYRT general body and spread support through the UVA community. One of my priorities coming to UVA was to find and join an organization dedicated to creating a positive narrative surrounding mental health, and I feel so grateful to be a part of the exec team making it happen. If you’re reading this, remember that you are an important part of this journey, and your voice matters. Take care of yourself and know that we’re here for you!

Hi! My name is Sophie and I am the new treasurer for IYRT! I am so excited to get more involved in this organization and help it continue to grow and evolve. It can be really hard to open up about mental health, and I hope these letters help you feel a little less alone. I’m so grateful to be a part of IYRT and help spread awareness and support throughout UVA. If you’re reading this, I hope you know how loved you are!

Hello readers! I’m Maggie and I am the new secretary for IYRT this year! I’m so delighted to be a part of this team and see the different letters that the UVA community is able to create. We have the power to speak and use our voices, which through letters can do perfectly. There is so much growth and potential that we as an organization and as a school can do, so let’s do it together! Mental health is a journey that takes time and support, support that all of the exec is willing to give. If you’re reading this, we see you and we hear you! 

Hi! I’m Claire, and I am so excited to serve as president for this upcoming school year. This organization has been a home for me since I joined in the fall of my first year. I have met the most passionate and caring students through here, and I am so lucky to spend this upcoming year continuing to work with a wonderful team of exec members who care deeply about promoting wellness, inclusivity, and community both on and off grounds. If you’re reading this, starting a new school year can be scary and overwhelming, and that’s okay. Be sure to take extra time to care for yourself!

Hi everyone! My name is Adair and I am the editor for If You’re Reading This UVA. I receive letters from the UVA community with unique and powerful stories about mental health that prove its significance in everyone’s life. This organization has helped me connect with others and taught me how to make mental wellness a priority for myself and those around me, and I hope it can do the same for you! If you’re reading this, remember that your story is worth telling. 

Hi! My name is Angie and this is my second year as a peer contact for IYRT. I am so happy to be involved in this organization because it is a great way for me to connect with students who are both similar to and different from myself. I believe mental health as a college student is often overlooked and I would like to help students put themselves first. IYRT has allowed me to have conversations about how we as an organization can help students prioritize themselves which I have an overwhelming amount of gratitude for. If you’re reading this, you are your own best thing… take care of yourself!

Hey y’all! I’m Natasjha and I am a part of the outreach committee on the executive board for this year. I have loved my time in IYRT with my fellow peers, getting to spread kindness all around grounds and reading some amazing, heartfelt letters from you all! I’m very excited to see what other inspirational things that UVA’s students will write, it shows just how much we care for each other and want to see each other succeed. This year, remember that you have so much love and light to share with the world, so don’t hide it! You can do absolutely anything you set your heart too and will achieve the goals that you have your mind set on. In doing all of this, make sure to give yourself some grace too; You deserve all the time you need to be great. If you’re reading this, you are wonderfully made and deserve so much love!

Hi everyone! My name is Carly, and this is my third year working on outreach for IYRT. I love being part of such a powerful organization that works to destigmatize mental health here at UVA. I’ve had the opportunity to connect and collaborate with amazing people who share the same passion about creating a supportive environment for our letter writers. I am so excited to continue with IYRT and can’t wait to read all the inspiring letters for this school year!

Hi!!! My name is Annie, and I’m so excited to be involved with IYRT again this year! I am part of the outreach team and I’m looking forward to connecting with many of you around grounds to spread support and messages from our wonderful community of letter writers. Working with IYRT has been one of the most rewarding parts of my college experience, and it has been so inspirational to read the support that so many of our UVA peers have provided to themselves and one another. Looking forward to another great year and if you’re reading this, I hope you continue to support yourself and others the best you can.

What’s up! I’m Camden and I’m a part of the outreach team within the exec board for the upcoming school year. I’m excited to share, support, and grow the community aspect of IYRT through meaningful events, new connections, and of course, letters. By sharing our stories and different perspectives, we ease the complicated struggles that come with mental health. Lean on us and each other this year as we continue to expand our diverse community through this amazing outlet. If you’re reading this, shine bright and stay true.

Our full exec team for the 2024-2025 year:

Annabel Brawn, Social Media Chair

Katie Chervenic, Peer Contact and General Body Chair

Sophie Holland, Treasurer

Maggie Nguyen, Secretary

Claire Novak, President

Adair Reid, Editor

Angie Smith, Peer Contact

Natasjha Stone, Outreach Committee

Carly Tarentino, Outreach Chair

Amy Tran, DEI Chair

Cat White, Photographer

Annie Wolsborn, Outreach Committee

Camden Young, Outreach Committee

We care for you and are here for you! Please never hesitate to reach out to our team. We are always here to support you. Go Hoos!

IYRT Exec Team, University of Virginia


Connect With Us

To follow IfYoureReadingThis at UVA on Instagram, get in touch with our chapter, and learn about more resources available to University of Virginia students, visit our chapter’s homepage.



This author has opted to allow readers who resonate with their story to contact them. If you would like to speak to the author of this letter about their experience, please use the form below.


Tatum M.


Kylie S.