UF College Democrats
If you are reading this, we are here for you.
If you’re reading this, I promise things will be okay.
I wish I could ease your anxiety and worries with a timeline of when things start to look up. I wish I could assure you that things will be okay again soon. Unfortunately, I have neither of those answers, all I know is that one day… it will all be okay. Lean on those around you and please don't be afraid to ask for help until things start looking up. You have so many people to meet, places to see, memories to laugh about, inside jokes to create, sunsets to enjoy, books to read, new music to stream, different hobbies to try…you are so worthy and deserving of experiencing it all. If you’re reading this, things will be okay, trust me! You are worth proving it to.
Tori Ragin
If you’re reading this, know that you are wanted.
I mean of course you are! You don't have to be perfect or stress yourself out. You don't have to be the best at everything. As long as you’re trying, that is enough. I know that is a lesson I needed to learn. All the other college students here, including me, doubt ourselves and struggle with mental health issues. I’ve begged for raised grades, extensions, you name it, I’ve been accepted, rejected, and everything in between. Know that we all feel your academic pain. You will get through it.
Nia Joseph
If you’re reading this, you’re not alone.
I am a student at UF, just like you. As a student, you want to fit in and meet people and join organizations. I am a first-generation student and I came to UF not knowing how it was going to be or the people I was going to be around. During my first year at UF, I was hazed. I tried to join an organization that was supposed to give me a support system and a home away from home. However, I had to “prove” that I deserved to be there and that I was “good enough.” After a year of hazing and being so close to the “finish line,” I completely left the organization and got no recognition, no apology, nothing. Overtime, I learned it is okay because it was not for me. I promise you do not need to join something to feel community or feel worthy. You are always worthy, and you do not have to prove yourself to anyone. You are great, beautiful, smart, everything. Do not allow anyone to tell you otherwise. You are also meant to be here and I promise it will always work itself out.
Jaylene Velasquez-Salguero
If you’re reading this, there is a high probability that someone like you is also reading another letter facing the same problems as you are.
It may not feel like it, but you are not the only one who has had to struggle in their lives and you are not the only one who will overcome your struggle, nor will you be the last.
I was not the last, and you will not be either, and as someone who may as well have been the one reading this letter, I assure you nothing, including the pain or hurt or longing, will last your lifetime.
It took me around two years to overcome, although it was long, the person that was there at the end of those two years knew exactly what he would do next.
You may not know now, but you will know soon. Whatever time it takes will pale itself in comparison to the joys of life after the fact. There is so much to do and not many people like you who are willing to face yourself, confront your struggle, and push yourself.
Whatever your next steps may be, no decision will be the wrong one because the right decision was to take one in the first place. So here you are, we are, at the end. So go for it, whatever it may be. Challenge it. Face it. Do whatever! Not a single person will fault you for trying or failing, because at the end of the day, success, happiness, joy, and achievement comes to all who deserve it and are willing to go through the mud that is our lives.
If you’re reading this, I hope that you find something to be hopeful and optimistic about to motivate you as you move forward in life.
Oftentimes, in the past year, it has felt like we live in a dystopian world, where the idea of good triumphing over evil seems like something confined to comic book fantasies. However, I have come to see how every person can contribute to a collective triumph of good, even if that contribution seems really small. Whenever I have felt down this past year, I have uplifted myself by reminding myself of how I can make my tiny contribution to do good in this world, and the hope that this makes a difference is what inspires my optimism and my drive to move forward in life.
Connor Effrain
If you’re reading this, know you’re not the only one who has no idea what they’re doing.
Everyone has to start from somewhere, whether you’re a spoiled brat who never had to struggle or a college student who also supports a family. Your story is just the beginning. Failing a class is not the end. Changing career paths from something lucrative to humble is not weak. It’s your decision to fight or walk away. Either way, those who truly love and support you will stay.
Breathe, give yourself a moment. Chances are you do know what to do, but please seek out the resources to help you get there.
UFCD, University of Florida
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