Sophie W.
Photography by Imari Crumity
If you're reading this, hold onto hope!
I know what it feels like to live in constant fear, to feel like no one understands. I know how unfair and confusing mental health struggles are. I understand what it feels like to not want to leave my bed. Still, I know what it feels like to feel true joy, to find my people, to pursue a career that I am deeply passionate about, and to wake up and have hope for the day ahead.
Although I don't know precisely what you are struggling with or to what extent, I know how hard it can be to believe things will improve. To the person reading this feeling like it won't get better, hold onto hope. In the midst of your struggles, find a reason to get out of bed and keep going. Learn to live for the big moments like getting your Clemson ring, meeting your best friends, and graduating, as well as living for the small moments like the fall leaves in Clemson, walks to class, doing well on an assignment, and seeing a dog. Lean into the little moments, and you will find joy in every day. Whatever gets you out of bed and encourages you to get better, find those things and cling to them when things get hard. Clinging to hope has gotten me to where I am today.
I can confidently say that things get better, and day by day, things get easier. Over time, life started to feel less scary, and I started feeling excited about my life. I still have bad days, but I know that bad moments pass, and I am strong enough to get through those days. Now, I wake up with excitement to experience life.
I have found that intentionally doing something that makes me happy every day has helped me get through challenging seasons and gives me hope for another day. Some things that bring me happiness are going on walks with my best friends, getting my favorite Starbucks drink, watching the sunset, reading my bible, cooking my favorite meal, getting Spill the Beans, jumping in the lake, and spending time with my people. These small moments help me remember that life should be enjoyed; even in stressful times, I can find joy!
To whoever is reading this and needs the hope that it gets better, I promise that day by day, you will get better, and one day you will feel genuine joy and peace to get up and go throughout life. Life will feel lighter and full of possibilities! If you are reading this and cannot imagine that, I want you to know that you deserve it, and it is possible. No matter what you face, cling to something and keep going. Keep making plans with friends and dream about your future. Keep moving forward, and things will get better.
You are strong and can face whatever you are going through. Struggling with your mental health does not make you weak. Seeking help shows strength. You are powerful and brave. You are not defined by your mental health, and you can do whatever you set your mind to. I believe in you, and I am so proud of you.
If you are reading this, know that you are loved and valued and deserve to live life to the fullest. You are never alone in your struggles, and you make the world a better place. You can get better, and I believe that you will get better! I am praying for every one of you who will read this and that you will be filled with hope to keep going. I believe you are strong and can overcome any challenges you may be facing. You have a purpose, and you are never in your struggles alone. I hope this glimpse into my story can comfort you and show you that it does get better. When life gets difficult, hold onto hope!
Sophie W., Clemson University ‘24
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