Gretchen N.
Photography by Jessica Pentel
If you’re reading this, thank you for your vulnerability.
I entered UVA during the peak of the pandemic and college life was not what I had been eagerly anticipating. The major life transition to college along with COVID restrictions and the stress of doing the right thing versus making the friends I desperately wanted spiraled me into waves of intense anxiety and sadness. I had dealt with these feelings before in high school, but they came back with vengeance in college.
My RA (shout-out Catherine!) had mentioned IfYou’reReadingThis in passing, and I knew a friend a few years older that had written a letter. So, I stalked the Instagram and poured over the website. I was overwhelmed by the vulnerability of the writers and inspired by stories of hope and resilience. It was a reminder that I was not the only one who was struggling on Grounds.
In the winter of my first year, quarantined away in an isolating hotel room, I joined a Zoom with the IfYou’reReadingThis team and applied to be part of the club. Joining the outreach team was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Being a part of IfYou’reReadingThis will forever be my proudest accomplishment at UVA. I have been surrounded by people who share the same mission as me– to destigmatize conversations surrounding mental health and remind the UVA community that they are not alone.
That’s not to say that IfYou’reReadingThis has cured my struggles with mental health. It’s easy for me to feel imposter syndrome at UVA, especially when applying to jobs and thinking about my future. I still have days and weeks where I feel “off” from spiraling anxious thoughts or waves of sadness. But I have been consistently encouraged that I am not alone in my struggles. Vulnerability used to be extremely scary for me, but through IfYou’reReadingThis, I’m chipping away! I share more openly with friends and family during hard times. I’m finally writing my own letter! It’s important to recognize that growth. Even though I’m not always perfect, progress is progress.
Time and time again, whether through IfYou’reReadingThis or not, I have been in awe of the vulnerability at UVA. We have leaders who are willing to have open dialogue. We have students who rally together and lift one another up after difficulties and tragedies. We have many CIOs and organizations that foster conversation and encourage openness (like the Green Bandana Project, NAMI, “Double Take,” OneLove, and NEDA Campus Warriors just to name a few). If you’re reading this letter and can’t relate to being open with your loved ones or friends here at UVA, here is your boost of encouragement to share a little more. Let people in, accept help, reach out to all of the resources that UVA has available. In the words of Brené Brown, vulnerability begets vulnerability.
If you have ever written a letter for IfYou’reReadingThis, reposted our content, or followed along, thank you. Thank you for being part of the generation that will normalize the conversation surrounding mental health struggles. Thank you for being a source of light and hope to your classmates. Thank you for allowing us to share your stories. It has been my greatest privilege.
Gretchen N., University of Virginia
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To follow IfYoureReadingThis at UVA on Instagram, get in touch with our chapter, and learn about more resources available to University of Virginia students, visit our chapter’s homepage.
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