Erin T.

Photo provided by Erin T.

If you’re reading this and have just started your program, congratulations on completing step one and being accepted into an incredible program - you have so much to be proud of!

I know that starting something as demanding as your program can feel overwhelming and you might be anxious for what’s next. Your program will never be easy but the fact that you've made it this far shows not just your intelligence, but also your passion, resilience, and deep commitment to making a difference in the world.

Be proud, be confident, and keep your head up. Know that you’re going to hit some lows these next couple months/years and it’s okay to feel all of those things. You can do this! Every difficult moment will pass and you just have to dig deep and remember all the reasons you worked so hard to get here.

Lean on your classmates, your loved ones, and your faith (whatever that may be). The people around you will help carry you through this when things feel tough, and you’ll be amazed at how fast time moves. It’s easier said than done but remember to be kind to yourself. You’ve already accomplished amazing things! You are about to learn so much and change in so many ways; growing pains are so normal.

Take moments to appreciate the small wins. Celebrating little victories matters and you owe it to yourself to pause and admire how far you’ve come. Know that regardless of how things may seem in the beginning, you’ve joined a program with people who are just like you; we all want the same thing. You are never alone!

While reaching out may feel daunting there are so many people who have walked this path before. They have felt the lows you’re feeling, and we can tell you it gets better. When you need advice, someone to vent to, or just a reminder that you're not in this alone, reaching out is the first step. I am proud of you, and I believe you can do this because I’m doing it too. 

Erin T., Second Year Physician Assistant Student

Q: What change do you hope to see when it comes to mental health in medical trainees?

A: I hope to see a future where attitudes toward mental health among healthcare students shift profoundly. Where the glorification of sleepless nights, neglect of self-care, and pushing past personal limits are replaced with a culture that values balance, resilience, and sustainability. Life is messy.  Learning to get your job done, even though life is messy, is more important than pretending for the length of your program that no other aspect of your life exists. School should be a time where we take advantage of our horrible schedules and develop the skills to navigate being compassionate providers that practice evidence-based patient-centered care, while having robust personal lives. As future providers, we should prioritize developing healthy coping strategies in school that not only enable us to excel academically but also protect our long-term well-being. I think if our generation normalizes self-compassion and celebrates efforts to maintain boundaries, relationships, and self-care during school, we can redefine what success in healthcare looks like. This shift has the potential to empower us to challenge the alarming rates of provider burnout and create a profession where hard work and maintaining a fulfilling personal life coexist. I want to be a part of the generation of providers that proves thriving in our careers and families isn’t just possible—it’s essential.

Q: Have you ever sought professional help or counseling for mental health support during your time in PA school? If so, how did it impact your overall well-being?

A: At my lowest point in my program, I felt completely defeated and like I’d somehow tricked everyone into letting me into a program, which I was completely underqualified and incapable of completing. I couldn’t see past the things I was feeling and despite words of encouragement from my loved ones, I didn’t believe in myself. Seeking professional counseling for my mental health was one of the most pivotal decisions I made. Initially, I struggled with the stigma of asking for help and feared attending appointments would waste valuable time and set me back even farther than I already felt. At the time, asking for help felt like an admission of failure. I’ve always been successful and extraordinarily overachieving, however being surrounded by equally intelligent and high-achieving individuals, made me feel utterly incompetent. Counseling provided me with a safe outlet to be all the messy things I was feeling on the inside. It provided me with the tools to manage the immense stress and self-doubt I wrestled with, but also reshaped my perspective on mental health entirely. I began to see medication and therapy not as a crutch, but as a powerful way to level the playing field, allowing me to perform at my full potential alongside my peers. This support gave me validation, clarity, focus, and resilience, transforming what once felt like insurmountable challenges into opportunities from which I’ve grown. By prioritizing my mental health, I discovered that true strength lies in recognizing when to ask for help, and this mindset ultimately changed the trajectory of my progress through my program, and I believe I will be a better provider because of it. 

Q: What strategies do you employ to maintain a healthy work-life balance while pursuing your medical education?

A: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance during school requires intentionality and discipline. For me, it starts with scheduling everything that matters—not just academics. I take the time to schedule in my Outlook calendar when I will go to the gym, spend time with friends, and clean the house. I schedule recurring events like washing my sheets, going to church, and even calling my grandma. I even schedule a bedtime, LOL. I try to treat all these events with the same level of importance as I do my classes and studying. By blocking out these activities in my calendar and treating them as non-negotiables, I try to make a very conscious effort to keep as much balance in my life as being a full-time student will allow. That’s not to say I haven’t made sacrifices since starting my program, but I try to be thoughtful not to make unnecessary sacrifices. I also try to remember to have patience and be kind to myself when I can’t stick to my plans. The structure of having a detailed schedule helps me recharge physically, mentally, and emotionally, making me more focused for school. Prioritizing these moments of self-care and connection reminds me that success in medicine is not just about academic achievement, but about building a sustainable lifestyle that supports both my goals and my well-being.


Several studies have revealed that medical students, physicians, and healthcare professionals experience mental health symptoms at rates significantly higher than the general population. Stethos[Cope] is a chapter of IfYoureReadingThis designed to help medical students and professionals cope with the unique stressors of medical training and change the narrative of mental health in medicine.

To read more letters and interviews from students, and to learn more about mental health in the medical community, visit the Stethos[Cope] home page.


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