Ellen Murphy
If you’re reading this, you can do it.
Remember, you are here for a reason. You are enough to be where you are, and you’ve reached this point because of your abilities. You have worked hard to become who you are and can continue working to become the person you want to be.
Remember, you are not alone. It can be hard transitioning to a place where you know few people and it feels like everyone around you has their people with them. Know that the people around you are fighting their own battles. Keep an open mind to meeting new people and allow them to help you along the way.
Remember, it’s okay to have setbacks. Each day brings new challenges, but each day also brings accomplishments. Celebrate victories and allow yourself to grieve the losses to prepare for the next challenge.
Remember, it’s okay for plans to change. We continue to learn more about ourselves. Our dreams, ambitions, and goals will change as we learn and grow. Give yourself space to reflect on how these changes may affect your plan, and don’t feel ashamed for making those adjustments.
Remember to take care of yourself. When you need to take a step back, do so, and when you feel ready to take on more, seek new opportunities. You have the tools you need to face every challenge that comes your way, and when you feel like your toolbox is empty, don’t be ashamed to ask for help.
Ellen M., University of Wisconsin
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