Bailey A.

If you’re reading this, don’t let the fear being “not enough” stop you from becoming more.

On the surface, my roles at Virginia Tech may seem like they require constant confidence. I’ve never been shy about speaking in front of people (though my friends and family may wish I kept quieter sometimes—especially when I’m defending Revenge of the Sith as a misunderstood classic or proclaiming fixes for the Steelers' struggling offense).

Even though speaking in front of a crowd doesn’t necessarily scare me, self-doubt sometimes speaks louder than any audience. Am I doing a good enough job? What do people think of me? Am I the right person for this? I haven’t mastered silencing those internal questions, but I’ve gotten better at it—and it wasn’t always this way.

After graduating from Virginia Tech, I spent more time than I’d have liked at my first broadcasting job at a small college. The job helped me grow professionally, but I faced rejection after rejection from teams and schools I applied to. Meanwhile, I watched my peers move into bigger roles. That’s when those questions crept in: Am I really cut out for this? Am I talented enough for what I’ve always dreamed of doing?

I imagine a lot of young people in their first “real” job have similar doubts. When you’re in a new city, starting out a new career outside of your comfort zone, you may find yourself wondering, What am I even doing here? Here’s what I’ve learned: Don’t let those doubts keep you from growing as a professional and, more importantly, as a person. Focus on what you can control, and don’t let external factors steer you away from what makes you happy.

Eventually, I improved my skills enough that Virginia Tech gave me a chance, hiring me as the first in-venue host for Hokies Football in 2021. I was thrilled to be back at my alma mater, but those old questions returned. Are they going to like me? Will I embarrass myself in front of all these people? But after weeks of practice and a few successful live hits at the first game, I learned to surrender to the moment—be myself, trust my preparation, and believe in my abilities.

Sure, challenges still come up. But I’ve found that what helps most is focusing on what I can control—improving my skills, learning, and continuing to grow. Don’t let comparison or fear of judgment stop you from chasing what fulfills you.

Believe in yourself, even when it’s hard. You are capable, and your path is yours to shape.

Bailey A., Virginia Tech Athletics


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Dorrit E.


Simrin R.