Photography by Margeaux Edwards
If you’re reading this, let it go.
Letting go is something I’ve been telling myself to do lately. A phrase repeating over and over in my head but not making sense or connecting to any thought. It’s hard for me to let go.
Letting go means releasing the thought of controlling what cannot be controlled.
Letting go of what could have happened.
Letting go of what you think is going to happen.
Letting go of an idea of who someone is.
We can get lost in the “what ifs” in life, and it can be difficult to find peace in where we are right now.
We can forget to appreciate what we do have.
We can overlook the reality of how far we’ve come.
The art of letting go of all the expectations that you have created allows you to accept what happens and who people are as they are.
You accept where you are, and you grow from it.
This doesn’t mean to lower your standards.
Or to become someone with no hopes and dreams.
It’s simply releasing everything that doesn’t align with them.
I know, sometimes we don’t want to let go.
It’s hard.
But the moment that you do is the moment you start doing what you want.
Anonymous, Washington State University
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