Alex W.

Photography by Emma Joseph

If you're reading this, never give up!

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned as a student-athlete is that most people quit right before they achieve exactly what they’ve been working toward. Setting goals and feeling motivated at the start of a new semester or season is easy, but as time goes on and challenges pile up, burnout becomes real. That’s when pushing forward matters the most.

Personally, this lesson hit home last semester. My soccer team was having a historic season, and it was incredible to be part of it. However, I was struggling with my confidence on the field and was starting to feel burnt out by the end of the season, which was when we needed everyone to be dialed in to reach our goals. 

Instead of letting that feeling take over, I leaned on my support system of teammates, friends, and family, who served as an important reminder of why I started playing soccer in the first place. Because of that, I kept pushing and got an opportunity to play in the NCAA quarterfinal game. When it mattered most, I was able to step up and score the tying goal. This was the biggest goal I have scored in my career, and it made every tough moment worth it. My team ended up making the furthest run in program history, and we did it because we refused to give up and always believed in one another.

If you are experiencing burnout or feeling unmotivated, my advice to you would be to remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Nobody’s path is a linear one, and there will always be highs and lows. Reach out to people who care about you, and don’t give up because you never know what you are close to accomplishing!


Alex W., Wake Forest University

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