UVA Community

Photography by Cat White

Continuing our tradition from last year, we asked students who attended the activities fair as well as our Instagram community to share with us their own “If you’re reading this” line. Here are some of their responses:

If you’re reading this…You can do more than you know!

If you’re reading this…Know that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

If you’re reading this…Have an amazing day!

If you’re reading this…Be open to anything.

If you're reading this…You deserve all the good in your life and wherever you are happy is where you belong.

If you’re reading this…Know your worth.

If you’re reading this…Take a deep breath.

If you’re reading this…Be gentle towards yourself and others.

If you’re reading this…You are special.

If you’re reading this…You are doing enough!

If you’re reading this…Enjoy the little things.

If you’re reading this…Always believe you can do it!

If you’re reading this…Take it one day at a time.

If you’re reading this…You are so loved.

If you’re reading this…Be who you are.

If you’re reading this…You’re worth it.

If you’re reading this…You will find your place!

Your fellow Hoos are here for you. Happy second week of classes!

Members of the UVA IYRT Community


Connect With Us

To follow IfYoureReadingThis at UVA on Instagram, get in touch with our chapter, and learn about more resources available to University of Virginia students, visit our chapter’s homepage.


Braeden C.


Faith S.