Taj B.
If you're reading this, be your own inspiration to persevere and keep pushing forward.
Life’s journey, even when it comes to mental health, is never as straightforward as we imagine. There are ups and downs, moments of clarity, and times of doubt. But every step, no matter how difficult, is a valuable part of the process. I've come to learn that things happen for a reason, even when we don't understand why in the moment. The lessons learned during our hardest seasons often become the tools we need to navigate the next season. And for that, I’ve learned to be grateful — for both the happy moments and the difficult times.
I know it can be hard looking at others’ lives and wondering why your journey seems much more strenuous or why you haven’t reached certain milestones as quickly as your peers. And trust me, I am no stranger to this feeling because it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison. However, I have realized that everyone’s journey is unique to them, and comparison only distracts you from personal growth. What might seem easy for someone else doesn't diminish the strength it takes for you to persevere through your own battles — and who’s to say they haven’t faced any hardships themselves? Nonetheless, by focusing on my own progress, I have been able to remain grounded and appreciative in preparation for my next breakthrough, instead of measuring myself against someone else's experiences.
Looking back on my journey, I’m proud of how far I’ve come — and no matter how far you have come or where you’re at in life, you should be proud of yourself too. There were times when it felt like I couldn’t move forward or things just weren’t working out, but keeping the faith and pushing through has brought me to a place of understanding and resilience. Those challenging moments only help to shape who you are and give you a greater sense of determination, compassion, and strength to move forward. I hope to encourage others to not be discouraged when you don’t get the grade you wanted or that job or internship doesn’t come right away; but instead to keep going, trust that better days are coming, and recognize that every small step forward is something to celebrate. You’ll eventually look back at the journey you endured and be proud of yourself that you kept the faith. You’ve come this far, and that’s worth everything.
Taj B., Clemson University Alum
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