Mexican Association of Students

Photograph from MAS Instagram

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, members of Boston College’s Mexican Association of Students (MAS) E-board share some words of advice and encouragement.

If you’re reading this, tú puedes; you are already doing a great job!

It’s completely normal to feel out of place and overwhelmed at times as you adjust to the fast-paced and ever-evolving BC community. We know that it is especially hard to act like we have it all together for our family and friends back home. It can be tough to find your place, in a new setting which leads to a sense of disconnect from those around you that might feel isolating. At times, it may feel like you're completely alone, which can be a frightening experience, like you're drowning with no way to swim up.

Pero remember, no estas sola! Not everybody voices their struggles and it may seem like others have it together when in reality, they may be struggling as well.

You’ve gotten here already and we all believe in you! Look around at those who came before us, those who are here, and those who are yet to come. Nobody came through without a struggle, and talking about these struggles can bring us together.

Push through the hard times because it won’t always feel like that – there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel! Make sure to have fun and enjoy the people and places around you, even the little things, because college goes by in the blink of an eye.

Trust in yourself, your abilities, and believe that in the end, you will cross the finish line. You are strong and more than capable. You are enough!

Don’t forget that there is a strong community here to support you! Juntos somos más fuertes, juntos somos una familia.

Con mucho amor,

Mexican Association of Students, Boston College

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Santiago G.


Dr. Rita Barakat