Deviyani P.
Photography by Haven Low
If you’re reading this, you are enough.
For as long as I can remember, I have never felt like I was enough: never pretty enough, smart enough, popular enough, friendly enough, athletic enough etc. It got to the point where the feelings of anxiety and depression were all consuming and there was no way out. For so long I just wanted it to end; I wanted to feel normal. It has taken me years to come to a place where I am okay with who I am. This doesn’t mean that I don’t struggle with my mental health anymore. It is still something that affects my daily life, but I have realized that this is my life and I can overpower my anxiety. It might not feel like it to you right now, but I promise there is hope, there are things to live for. There are so many people you haven’t met that will love you and bring light into your life, there are so many moments you haven’t experienced, there are dreams you can achieve and bucket list items you have to cross off. Don’t rob yourself of the chance of a life fully lived.
I know that is all easier said than done, and I am not trying to make your feelings feel small. I understand. I know what it feels like to be so far into the depths of your own mind that you can’t see anything else, but I am living proof that things can get better. Hope may be hard to have but sometimes it is all we have.
If you are dealing with being suicidal, depressed, or anxious just know that I have been there. I made it out of the darkness and healing is a process that will last forever. Healing is not linear, and it is not the same for any two people. Have trust in yourself and who you want to be. You can get there, I believe in you.
You deserve everything. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live without anxiety or mental illness in the driver’s seat of your life. Take back control of your life. It is possible, I promise.
You are more than enough. You are loved. You are worthy.
Deviyani P., Colby College
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