Photography by Emma Kraus
If you’re reading this, life can have the rhythm of the ocean.
There is the familiar lull of calmness that seems so comfortable to us all.
However, after enough time passes, this can end suddenly with a crash.
Sometimes, it shocks you.
Sometimes, you fall.
Sometimes, your head goes underwater and the act of breathing is robbed from you without warning.
Our goal is to minimize these difficult feelings, negate their existence.
My encouragement to you is to instead explore during these moments of hardship.
These inevitable lows in life, when faced with curiosity instead of judgment, can be a chance to learn and, dare I say, understand oneself.
The ocean of life never slows to a halt – not completely, at least.
Take each venture at your own pace, attend to your own reactions, and, in time, the fear of the waves will dull.
Amani, Boston University
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