
Photography by Cat White

If you're reading this, always remember that you are amazing, unique, and talented.

You deserve to feel welcomed for who you are, because you are an awesome person. Sometimes it can feel difficult to find your space and your community, but do not be discouraged if those things don’t come to you immediately. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, no matter what others may think… their opinions are meaningless! There are always people out there who share your passions, interests, and experiences, so I know you will find them. It may require getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, and I know putting yourself out there is hard. Just be yourself and have a good attitude— sometimes people can be cruel, but give them the benefit of the doubt.

A few years ago I couldn’t find myself and got lost trying to be someone I wasn’t. I lacked the much needed maturity to be myself at the time. My emotional health was at a low and I had no idea what to do, but I was blessed to have someone introduce me to a few communities and organizations that completely changed my life. These communities were welcoming and accepting of all people, and I became immersed in such amazing, diverse groups of people with different backgrounds and experiences who all shared a common interest or passion.

It took me so long to find that because I never tried to step up and search for them on my own, as I was too concerned about what others thought. I wish I had started that search earlier, but that I cannot change. I encourage you to reflect on my mistakes to use your passions and find your people so you can do something special for the world. You have so much potential, but you just need to find it, take it, and run with it and the world will be yours, even if it doesn’t feel that way.

If you’re reading this, always remember there are people out there who love you, understand your struggles, and will help you be your best. Don’t give up… don’t ever give up in finding your people, even if they aren’t right in front of you. If you’re reading this… always remember that I love you, and I hope to help you along your personal journey, whatever that might be.

Anonymous, University of Virginia


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Taylor E.

