Eliza L.

Photography by Eliza L.

If you’re reading this, remember that we’re all having tough times, and they will pass.

I know there’s that one thing you can’t stop thinking about, or that one thing you’re dreading coming up tomorrow or this week. Maybe you don’t feel like you’re ready or you’re worried about whether you’re capable enough. Or maybe you can’t get that stupid memory out of your head that should’ve disappeared ages ago. Believe me, you can do this and move forward. Think about every bad day you have ever had, and recognize the fact that you’re still here. You made it through every single one of those bad days. You can make it through this.

Everyone has those things they worry about or can’t get off their mind. I know at this school it may seem like everyone is perfect all the time—nobody cracks, everyone is doing amazing in their classes, goes to amazing fun parties all the time and posts about it on Snapchat, is involved in everything from UGuides to Chi Alpha to Resident Advising to honor societies to Greek life to intramural sports, has time to go to the gym, and looks amazing on their Instagram while doing it all.

But remember, there is a toxic culture of perfection here. We are all fighting our own (usually invisible) battles and for some reason we all don’t want to seem like we’re failing or not doing so well. Fight that. Talk to your friends, your RA, your hallmates, your best friend from high school. Be honest and you will often receive honesty back. You are not alone in this. I promise.

Get your mind off of the things that haunt you. Don’t feel bad about taking a day to relax and lounge and not get out of bed til noon. Take an hour to just do the things you enjoy. Grab that starbucks drink you really like or watch that show you’ve been meaning to start. It’ll help you move forward, believe it or not.

Everyone has their bad days, or even bad months or years. You will get through this and progress and do great things here. My favorite quote is “out of adversity comes opportunity” and if you’re reading this, I hope that sticks in your mind. Grow from your failures. I know I’m trying to.

A caring fellow student

Eliza L., University of Virginia


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Hannah B.